The Impossible Quiz

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难如登天的测验:The Impossible Quiz 简介“The Impossible Quiz”是一款幽默风趣的测验游戏,以其极具挑战性和荒谬的问题而闻名。这款游戏由Splapp-Me-Do开发,于2007年首次发布。玩家必须回答一系列看似不可能的问题,而这些问题通常会让人措手不及或困惑不解。游戏玩法“The Impossible Quiz”由六个关卡组成,每个关卡包含10个问题。玩家必须在时间限制内正确回答每一个问题才能进入下一关。问题类型五花八门,从简单的数学问题到需要思考和创造力的谜语。游戏的关键是跳出思维定式,以不同的角度和方式看待问题。许多问题都具有误导性或双重含义,因此玩家需要仔细阅读并思考。例如,一个问题可能是:“世界上唯一可以吃的山是什么?”答案不是“富士山”,而是“汉堡(hamburger)”。难度和幽默“The Impossible Quiz”的难度是其一大特色。问题通常极具挑战性,旨在让玩家感到沮丧和困惑。游戏的幽默感使它免于过于令人沮丧。例如,一个问题可能是:“这是什么:'QWERTY'中不在'ASDFGH'中的字母?”答案是“'E'”,但游戏紧接着指出:“当然,答案是'Y'。”挫败感与成就感虽然“The Impossible Quiz”可能会让玩家感到沮丧,但成功回答问题也带来了巨大的成就感。每一关的最后都会有一个奖励问题,如果玩家回答正确,将获得一个奖杯。收集所有6个奖杯是游戏的最终目标。文化影响“The Impossible Quiz”在发布后迅速走红,吸引了大批粉丝。它催生了多个续集和衍生游戏,并成为互联网模因和流行文化的一部分。该游戏还被用于教育目的,因为它教会了玩家如何批判性地思考和从不同的角度看待事物。总结“The Impossible Quiz”是一款极具挑战性、幽默风趣且令人难忘的测验游戏。它会让你抓狂、大笑,并挑战你思考的界限。如果你正在寻找一款会让你挠头却让你爱不释手的游戏,那么“The Impossible Quiz”绝对值得一试。

Education is the liberation of the mind

“教育是什么,如何做”,这是我自从加入我现在的公司,一直想的事情。 幸运的是,我发现了克里希那穆提的一本书名叫《教育就是解放心灵》,无独有偶,我在TED演讲,听了一个讲解教育制度的教师,很受启发。 摘记并写此篇,以此献给每一位教育工作者。

I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse,on the way to the schoolhouse ,or talking about what happens in the schoolhouse. Both my parents were educators,my maternal grandparents were educators,and for the past 40 years, I have done the same so,needless to say,over those years I have had a chance to look at education reform for a lot of of those reforms have been good ,Some of them havebeen not so good. It iseither poverty,low attendance,negative peer influces.

But one of the things that wenever discuss or we rarly dicuss is the value and impotance of human connection ,Relationships. James Corner says that no significants learning can occur without a significant Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone in this room has been affected by a teacher or an adult.

For years ,I have watched people teach.I have looked at the best and I have looked at some of the worst.A colleague said to me one time ,They dont pay me to like the kids,They pay me to teach a kids should learn it. I should teach it,they should learn it, Case closed ,I said to her , You know,kids dont learn from people they dont like She siad,Thats just a bunch of hooney. Well, your year is going to be long and arduous ,dear. Needless to say, it was.

Some people think that you can either have it in you to build a relationship ,or you dont.I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He said you ought to just throw in a few simple things,like seeking first to understand ,as opposed to being understood. Simple things,like apologizing. You ever thought about that? Tell a kid you are sorry,they are in shock.

I taught a lesson once on ratios. I am not goodat with math ,but I was working on it .I had taught the whole lesson wrong I came back to class the next day and I said,Look ,guys ,I need to apologize .I taugut the whole lesson wrong .I am so said ,thats okay,Ms were so excited, we just let you go.I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient, that I cried.I wondered, how am l going to take this group in nine months, from where they are to where they need to be?And it was diffcult,it was awfully hard .

How do I raise the self-esteen of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?One year I came up with a bright idea.I told all my students,you were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students,they put us all together. so we could show everybody else how to do of the students said ,Really? I said Really, We have to show the other classes how to do it,so when we walk down the hall,people will notice us,so you cant make noise. And I gave them a saying to say I was somebody when I came,I am powerfull ,and I am strong.I deserve the edcation that I get here.I have things to do,people to impress. And they saidYeah!It starts to be a part of you.

I gave a quiz,20 questions,A student missed 18.I put +2on his paper and a big smiley saidMs Pierson ,is this an F? Yes,I said. He saidThen why did you put a smiley face?I saidBecause you are on a got two didnt miss them all. I said And when we review this,wont you do better?He said yes,I can do better. You see,-18sucks all the life out of you.+2said,“I amnot all bad.”

For years ,I watched my mother take the time at recess to review,go on home visits in the afternoon, buy combs and brushes and peanut butter and crackers to put in her desk drawer for kids that needed to eat,and a washcloth and some soap for the kids who didnt smell so good. See,its hard to teach kids who kid can be so she kept those thing in her desk,and years later,after she retired.I watched some of those same kids come through and say to her You know ,you made a difference in my made it work for made me feel like I was somebody,when I knew,at the bottom ,I I want you to just see what Ive become.

And when my mama died two years ago at92,there were so many former students an her brought tears eyes,not because she was gone,but because she left a legacy of relationships that could never disappear.

Can we stand to have more relationships? you like your children ?of course not. And you know your toughest kids are never absent,You wont like them the tough ones show up for a reason. Its the the relationships teachers become great actors and actressse,and we coome to wrok when we dont feel like it ,andwere listening to policy that doesnot make sence,and we teach anywany. We teach anywany because thats what we do.

Teaching and lerning should bring powerful would our world be,if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks,who were not afraid to think ,and who had to a champion ?

Every child deserves a champion,an adult who will never give up on them,who understands the power of connections, andinsists that become the best that they can possibly be. Is the job tough?You it is not can do this,we are educators,We are born to make a difference.

No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship.A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level. we are are born to make a difference.

标签: Quiz The Impossible



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